Does Arizona Require Live Range Fire to Get A CCW Permit?

Across the country, the number of concealed carry permit applicants has been on the rise, however from state to state the rules to receive said permit can be quite different. For example. some states require concealed carry applicants to prove their handgun competency by firing the handgun as a prerequisite to applying.

So being the proponents of firearm education that we are, we at Concealed Carry Inc. feel it is a good idea for citizens to acquire as much training as they can as part of their journey to being a safe and capable concealed carrier, however before worrying about what you should do as a new applicant, let’s take a look at what you must do to receive a permit in your state.

Arizona is included in the number of states that do not require live fire. Arizona goes only as far as to require that citizens take a firearm safety course within 10 years of applying for the permit. That class not only doesn’t have to include live fire, but the state doesn’t have any required curriculum at all.That doesn’t mean that you can’t find a class in Arizona that includes live fire. If you are a handgun amateur and would like a little extra training as part of your concealed carry class you may consider seeking out an instructor who includes live fire in their curriculum. You will pay more for it.

Regardless of what you decide, remember that your handgun is only as effective as you are trained and practiced with it. Seek out ongoing training and practice opportunities as often as time and finances allow for it. If you feel uncomfortable or incompetent on the range, seek out professional help!

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