Two Women Attacked by Pack of Pit Bulls Rescued

Two women from Cordes Lake were rescued by their neighbors from three pit bulls who attacked them Sunday morning, according to the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office (YSCO). The two women, ages 57 and 61, were returning to their home on the 15000 block of S. Black Mountain Rd. when they discovered three adult pit bulls…

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Top Breeds of Dog for Survival and Home Defense

Last week’s survival article focused on the benefits and drawbacks of dogs in a survival situation. Dogs are of course man’s best friend. Today’s survival article focuses on a few different breeds of dogs that are ideal for defense and survival. Best Guard Dogs: The German Shepherd won’t come as a surprise to anyone reading…

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Benefits of Survival Dogs

In survival situations we often have to be concerned about how much we can fit into the car or the backpack when we bug out. Dogs do take up space in the car and their food can take up space in the backpack but do their benefits out weigh their drawbacks? Here are some of…

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